
GreatCocktails was formed to offer a unique reference point on making and drinking cocktails.

Cocktails are back in vogue in the bars, restaurants and suburban homes of the British Isles. Gin and tonic, rum and coke, whisky and water all may do the job, but in their dull predictability they’re being pushed aside in favour of the effervescent colour of the cocktail, with its alluring mix of sophistication, exoticism, and sheer tastiness.

The cocktail is no longer the alcoholic drink for people who wince at the taste of alcoholic drinks, but the party tipple of choice for every type of taste bud. There are flavours to suit even the most macho of party revellers. However, with such the endless array of cocktail recipes now available, it might be great for the fearless quaffer, but it’s a daunting prospect for the novice.

It’s good news then that a band of esteemed mixologists have created GreatCocktails, a comprehensive guide to the world of cocktails. Whether you want to able mix your own, stage your own cocktail party or just flick through the cocktail menu with confidence, this resource is brimming with advice, facts, tips on technique and a dazzling array of recipes.

The best cocktails to mix yourself are covered, from the classics to the cheeky numbers, through to the booze-free ‘virgin’ cocktails. It won’t be long before you’re inventing your own signature cocktail.