Jelly Shots

In 1862 Jerry Thomas, in what is widely considered to be the world’s first cocktail guide, “How to Mix Drinks”, wrote, ‘Many persons, particularly of the softer sex, have been tempted to partake so plentifully of it as to render them somewhat unfit for waltzing or quadrilling after supper.’ And …

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How to Make a B52

You just know that a drink named after a bomber will have a bit of kapow to it! The original B52 was a plane used by the Americans during the Vietnam war to drop incendiary bombs. The origins of the shooter named after it are a little unclear but most …

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Brain Haemorrhage

Would you drink one?! The appeal of most shooters lies in their appearance. With their carefully constructed clearly-defined coloured layers, they look good as well as packing a punch. The appeal of a Bloody Brain, on the other hand, is more to do with the cringe factor: it looks as …

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Flatliner, A Layered Cocktail

Flatliners definitely aren’t for beginners! This layered cocktail can be lethal and is definitely an acquired taste with its characteristic after-burn. But as advocates will say, without the burn there is no Flatliner. To make it you need: 1 part Tequila 1 part Sambuca Tabasco sauce First pour the tequila …

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Tequila Slammer

A Tequila Slammer is categorised as a cocktail served in a shooter glass. The drink, as you can imagine gets its name from the way it is consumed. People will probably admit a Tequila Slammer is consumed for the sensation as opposed to the actual taste. The Recipe This recipe …

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Flaming Lamborghini

The Flaming Lamborghini is renowned for hitting the spot. Each ingredient is carefully selected to serve its job; the Blue Curacao sweetens the drink, the Baileys cools the throat and the Kahlua and Sambuca just…well…do the job! The Recipe This recipe serves 1 1 measure of Kahlua 1 measure of …

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