Shake, Strain & Stir Amazing Cocktails

Cocktails are back in vogue in the bars, restaurants and suburban homes of the British Isles. Gin and tonic, rum and coke, whisky and water all may do the job, but in their dull predictability they're being pushed aside in favour of the effervescent colour of the cocktail, with its alluring mix of sophistication, exoticism, and sheer tastiness.

The History of Cocktails

America might get the blame for a lot of things these days but next time you’re tempted to join in remember there’s something for which we should thank our colonial cousins: the modern cocktail! One of the earliest written references describing a cocktail appears in an American magazine from 1806, …

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Flatliner, A Layered Cocktail

Flatliners definitely aren’t for beginners! This layered cocktail can be lethal and is definitely an acquired taste with its characteristic after-burn. But as advocates will say, without the burn there is no Flatliner. To make it you need: 1 part Tequila 1 part Sambuca Tabasco sauce First pour the tequila …

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Brain Haemorrhage

Would you drink one?! The appeal of most shooters lies in their appearance. With their carefully constructed clearly-defined coloured layers, they look good as well as packing a punch. The appeal of a Bloody Brain, on the other hand, is more to do with the cringe factor: it looks as …

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How to Make a B52

You just know that a drink named after a bomber will have a bit of kapow to it! The original B52 was a plane used by the Americans during the Vietnam war to drop incendiary bombs. The origins of the shooter named after it are a little unclear but most …

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Christmas and New Year’s Drinks

With whisky being the traditional drink of Scotland you’d expect there to be a few drinking traditions involving the Gaelic spirit. And you wouldn’t be disappointed! A bowl of this Christmas Cheer is guaranteed to make your party go … anywhere! It can be prepared well in advance as long …

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Hangovers and Cures

You’ve woken up and you wish you hadn’t. Your head feels like it’s been kicked by a bucking jackass; your mouth resembles the floor of the circus ring; and as for your stomach you’re rather not think about the storm that’s raging in there. You’ve got a hangover and you’re …

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Cocktail Party Games

Party games: you either love them or hate them! And as you’re reading this page you probably love them! As we’re talking cocktail parties, we’re assuming you want games with a little bit of style and decorum, so we’ll concentrate on those with just the raising of a glass to …

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Cocktail Party Themes

What do Holly Golightly, James Bond and Del Boy have in common? They all love a good cocktail. And we’ve got a themed cocktail party to suit each of them. Of course you don’t have to choose a theme. If your friends aren’t into dressing-up (in any way) your party …

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Cocktail Party Food

Tantalising and tasty nuts and nibbles! That’s the motto for preparing cocktail party food and we’ve some advice to help make your party the yummiest thing since chocolate. Provide a variety of finger-food including something for the vegetarians. Your guests won’t want to get too messy so sloppy saucy dishes …

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Planning a Cocktail Party

“A medium vodka dry Martini – with a slice of lemon peel. Shaken and not stirred.” James Bond (Sean Connery) in Dr No. Imagine a cocktail party where the men are dashing and the women glamorous – and you at the centre the perfect host! Now if you’re feeling inspired, …

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