Shake, Strain & Stir Amazing Cocktails

Cocktails are back in vogue in the bars, restaurants and suburban homes of the British Isles. Gin and tonic, rum and coke, whisky and water all may do the job, but in their dull predictability they're being pushed aside in favour of the effervescent colour of the cocktail, with its alluring mix of sophistication, exoticism, and sheer tastiness.

Mai Tai

The Mai tai was invented in 1944 by Victor Bergeron, also known as Trader Vic. He blended Jamaican rum, lime juice, a few dashes of orange curacao syrup, fresh orgeat and rock candy to create this cocktail. It is believed that the drink was served to some friends who remarked …

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Manhattan Cocktail

It has been suggested that the Manhattan originated at the Manhattan Club in New York in the early 1870s. Lady Randolph Churchill, Winston’s mother, hosted a banquet in honour of presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden, and it was at this successful event that the cocktail became popular. People then requested …

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Pina Colada

The history of the Pina Colada is unclear, however, some have stated that in it was in 1957 that a San Juan bartender created this mixture of unique flavours of Puerto Rico. In contrast however, others have suggested that the man responsible for the Pina Colada was not in fact …

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Bloody Mary

The Bloody Mary was invented in 1920, the American bartender, Fernand Petiot claimed to have invented the cocktail of equal parts vodka and tomato juice at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris. On returning to America in 1934, Petiot started working at the King Cole Bar, St. Regis where he …

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Black Russian

The Black Russian is a classic that has been around since the Cold War era. It has been suggested that this cocktail was created by the barman Gustave Tops. Apparently he served it to his friends who worked at the Hotel Metroploe in Bruxelles in 1950. Furthermore, it has also …

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White Russian

As with the Black Russian the White Russian is a classic that has been around since the Cold War era. The White Russian has been named not because it is a traditional Russian drink but due to the fact that the drink contains vodka. Rather it is a pun on …

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Casually referred to as a Cosmo, the Cosmopolitan is typically served in a cocktail glass, therefore, you may often see it categorised as a martini. The Cosmopolitan has regained popularity recently thanks to the girls in the “Sex and the City”, who were frequently seen supping a Cosmo. Stereotypically, a …

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Rusty Nail

The Rusty Nail is a timeless whisky cocktail and one that has to be appreciated and most importantly enjoyed. The Rusty Nail combines a good quality whisky with the sweet, palatable taste of Drambuie. The Recipe This recipe serves 1 1 measure whisky 1 measure Drambuie Garnish: orange zest or …

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Brandy Eggnog

The eggnog tradition began in Europe as an adaptation of the various milk and wine concoctions often served at social events. During the 17th century they would use eggnog as a toast to good health. It was often consumed by the wealthy or upper class as milk and eggs were …

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Pink Gin

Made in the United Kingdom in the 19th century, a Pink Gin contains gentian and a dash of ‘pink’. ‘Pink’ referring to the Angostura bitters, a dark red extract of gentian and spices. This is typically an English way of drinking and enjoying gin. Also called Gin and Bitters, the …

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