Long Island Iced Tea

For Long Island Iced Tea you need:

  • 1 part light rum
  • 1 part vodka
  • 1 part gin
  • 1 part tequila
  • 1 part Cointreau
  • Coca Cola

Fill a highball glass with ice and pour in the first 5 ingredients. Top up with coke and garnish with a slice of lemon or lime.

It’s believed to have been invented in Long Island, New York, by a bartender named Rosebud (Robert Butt), sometime in the 1970s.

It’s so-named because it has the colour of tea.

Very occasionally cold tea will be used in place of Coke.

In America some sour mix may be added but in the UK it tends to be omitted. However, if you choose to add some (see below), shake all the ingredients, except the coke, together and strain into a glass, topping up with coke.

For Long Beach Iced Tea, replace the coke with cranberry juice. (Long Beach, New Jersey, is home to cranberry bogs!)

Sour mix
  • 1 cup caster sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice

Stir together well. Keeps in the fridge for up to 7 days.

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